Color & Control:

Weekend Activities

Fun and fabulous: Games and puzzles are often an easy way to engage older adults living with memory loss or low energy.

Melissa and Doug puzzles: These puzzles are easy-to-grasp and chunky, allowing to train up hand-eye coordination and creativity. The more seniors enjoy the scenes they are creating, the more engaged they will be when they are completing each puzzle.

Sensory fidget: Fidget toys, like fidget spinners and koosh balls, keep the seniors’ hands and minds busy through touch-based activities. Such toys soothe their anxious minds and prevent them from pulling at the clothes and picking at their skin.

Vintage Saturday Evening Post puzzles: Saturday Evening Post magazines, a staple in many households when the seniors were young, are made into puzzles. These puzzles can help stimulate the seniors’ memories from long past years.

Lock Box memory game: The box has 10 locks with different locking mechanisms. This improves memory skills, hand control and muscle strength. Who said that treasure hunts are only for kids? Hide small surprise items within the compartments inside the box to bring extra fun to the ‘young at heart’ players.

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