When you or a family member is recovering from, or living with an illness, conserving precious energy is a serious matter. Here are some tactics recommended by occupational therapists to make day-to-day activities more manageable:
- Leave your most used items out or store them at waist level rather than putting them away.
- Prioritize the most important activities. Be ready to let some things go and ask for help to share the load.
- Pace yourself by taking regular breaks. This will help you to balance your energy levels and complete the whole task.
- Use tricks such as wearing a bathrobe instead of towel- drying. Or, let dishes air dry on the kitchen counter.
- Sitting takes less energy than standing, so sit in front of the sink for hair care, makeup or shaving. Choose a firm surface with arm rests and back support. Soft seating is hard to get out of.
- Gather clothes before you start getting dressed and keep a laundry basket close by to drop dirties into.
- Maximize rest and relaxation time to restore your energy.