Lonely Dad craves company
Q) My dad lives alone and always calls me and my siblings to ask us to spend time with him. How do I help him feel less lonely?
When someone lives alone their mental health could be at risk if they aren’t getting enough social interaction. See if you can get him involved in community activities or friendly visits. Set aside time to help him with household tasks, food shopping or have meals together. Perhaps a monthly shared schedule with your siblings to show him planned visits and outings. Then there is something to look forward to for all of you will help too.

Independent woman
Q) My aunt has recently been diagnosed with early onset dementia but is still very independent. How do I balance being her “official” caregiver with her right to choose?
As a caregiver, your goal is to assist and help the person you are caring for, at the same time as leaving them with as much control over their own life as possible. Safety is key however, so perhaps you need a chat with your aunt’s
doctor with her present in order to establish some reasonable goalposts. Things like simplifying, encouraging, and accepting a slower pace or new routine will help maintain self-esteem and hopefully give them minor breathing room. As things progress, you might want to write out schedules, utilize labels and signs, and get easier to wear clothing.

Too many drinks I fear
Q) My younger brother drinks a few beers every weekend, he has diabetes and I think he might be putting himself at risk. How do I convince him to not drink at all?
While drinking can be a problem for diabetics, according to Diabetes Canada, if there he has no other health issues an occasional drink isn’t harmful. Perhaps a way you can help your brother stay healthy, that he also may appreciate, are to prepare some diabetes friendly meals.

The same spoon
Q) My grandmother uses the same coffee spoon without washing it for weeks. What can I tell her to get her to let me wash the spoon daily?
While we all like the convenience of having the same item in the same place every day, sadly some things become harmful when left in the open for too long. Coffee spoons are one of the things that can become harmful. According to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care of Ontario, spoons should be washed or set aside after every use as bacteria can start growing within as little as 20 minutes. To prevent gut troubles, always wash your cutlery and dirty dishes.