…and more serious winter reminders!
All joking aside, there’s a lot of joy to be had during the winter months. However, being outside in the harsh winter weather, can pose as a number of additional hazards for all of us, particularly the older adults. If you’re a caregivers, here is what to watch out for:
1. Choose a good pair of winter boots. For warmth and stability look for these features: well-insulated, waterproof, thick non-slip tread sole made of natural rubber, wide low heels, light-weight.
2. Prevent heat loss by wearing a warm hat, scarf, and mittens or gloves. Dressing in layers may
also keep you warmer.
3. Keep entranceways and sidewalks clear of ice and snow. Report hazards on sidewalks or pathways to your landlord or the City.
4. Contact your local home support agency or other community services for help with snow removal, transportation and grocery bus services.
5. Carry a small bag of grit, sand or non clumping cat litter in your jacket pocket or handbag, to sprinkle when you are confronted with icy sidewalks, steps, bus stops, etc.
6. Ask a passer-by to help you cross an icy surface.
7. Slow down and think about your next move before walking on a slippery surface. Keeping your body as loose as possible, spread your feet to more than a foot apart to provide a base of support and take small steps. This will help stabilize you.
Just one bad fall on ice can have long-term consequences. These include: chronic pain in the affected area; a disabling injury that may mean loss of independence; or fear of another fall, which discourages a healthy, active lifestyle.
Source: canadasafetycouncil.org

Slow down, be safe
If you are rarely driving on snow, here’s what one expert suggests: just pretend you’re taking grandma to church. There’s a platter of biscuits and 2 gallons of sweet tea in glass jars in the back seat, and she’s wearing a new dress and holding a crockpot full of gravity.