Rules for aging boldly
• Keep on learning.
• Remain flexible to growth, change and evolution.
• Cultivate strong relationships.
• Draw inspiration from role models.
• Keep your brain and body fit by exercising and eating well.
• Find a purpose that puts meaning in your life and fire in your belly.

Pesticides and Parkinson’s
New test results showed an association between 14 pesticides and increased Parkinson’s risk. At the top of the list used in farming: simazine, lindane and atrazine. Aside from concern for the health of workers, researchers are concerned about these compounds reaching the food chain.
Source: Michael J. Fox Foundation

Travelling with dementia
Although some people do best in well-structured and familiar settings, travelling can be successful given the right conditions and some careful planning. Carers may want to:
1. Have a contingency plan
2. Allow plenty of time for everything including rests
3. Talk to a physician about your travel plans and get advice
4. Consider bringing a companion or PSW to assist
5. Avoid peak season travel and don’t rush
6. If flying book seats near the bathroom
7. Bring activities and snacks
8. Choose easy on and off clothing
9. Survey hotel room for hazards and exits.

Why does it seem so bad?
People with generalized anxiety disorder can’t shake the feeling that something bad will happen. They may worry to excess about missing an appointment, having an accident or trouble with a paid caregiver. Some even worry about worrying.
Common bodily expressions of anxiety may include: racing heart, dry mouth, upset stomach, muscle tension, sweating, trembling, and irritability. There are ways to ask for help if your loved one is suffering. Discuss the best path forward with your doctor.

Feel better in minutes
Prepared by Dr. Chris Williams for the Canadian Mental Health Association, this booklet can change your life. Follow its simple, practical advice and you’ll be happier, fitter and see the positive side of life!