Looking on the bright side
A good attitude may do more than just brighten your day. According to Harvard Health, a series of studies confirmed that being a “glass-half-full” kind of person is associated with increased longevity. One study published in JAMA Internal Medicine revealed that optimistic patients who had undergone coronary artery bypass were half as likely to require re-hospitalization within the following six months as pessimistic patients.
Source: Best Life

Are you pet friendly?
Pets make good companions, especially for older adults. Let’s look at some fun facts about Canadian pets.
• 80% of Canadian households have a pet
• 20% have a dog, 23% have a cat
• Cats, dogs and fish are the most popular
• We have 2000 pet stores employing 22,000 people
• 2.5 m pet birds and 1.4 m wild animals are kept as pets
• 12% of households have a fish
• Dogs need to go to the vet more than cats
Source: Made in CA

Did you know?
The average person spends more time on the toilet (92 days in their life) than they do exercising. While you can’t control how long you spend going to the bathroom on any given day, you can control how long you spend exercising. Being more physically active is good for almost every aspect of your health, giving you a good incentive to get things moving in more ways than one.
Source: McKenzie Health, Portland Loo

Check out these fun facts
• Your ears never stop growing
• You blink 10 million times a year
• Every minute you lose 30,000 dead skin cells
• By age 70 you heart will beat more than 2.5 million times.
Source: Operation Ouch

Oma and Opa are now older…
Today, the average age of grandparents has risen from 65 to 68 years. Canada is considered a late-childbearing countries, with the average age of mothers at the time of delivery being 31.6 years in 2022, up from 31.4 years in 2021. The average age of mothers at childbirth has been increasing steadily for nearly five decades.
Source: Statscan