Color & Control:

Wise Advice

At the end of life

There will be many decisions to make when you, or someone you’re caring for, has a serious illness, especially as the illness progresses and there are choice to make. Decisions made at this time will reflect both a person’s values and their preferences for the type of care they’d like to receive in their final days. There is also the need to appoint a substitute decision makers and complete Power of Attorney paperwork.

Informed Consent: Health care providers must ensure that they have obtained voluntary informed consent and that you can demonstrate that you understand of the options and risks before treatment begins. Some provinces have an independent body to determine consent and capacity in complex cases. 

Do not resuscitate: For emergency situations there is the option to complete a “do not resuscitate” order or DNR. This instructs medical professionals not to perform CPR if a person’s heart or breathing stops. You also have the right to refuse or withdraw medical treatment, even if it might be life-saving and refuse any food or drink offered to you by others.

Final days: Some patients opt for Palliative sedation as a last resort sleep-like state to treat difficult symptoms in the last few days of life or the option of Maid- medically assisted death if strict eligibility criteria are met. 

Photo: jcomp

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