An occurrence that delays, prevents or even reverses progress is commonly referred to as a setback. Of course, hitches, failures and having to take a step back are inevitable in the journey of life and—all too common on our caregiving journey.
When obstacles get in the way it can lead to shame and blame. They may produce feelings of hopelessness, even a loss of self-confidence or self-esteem. However, research suggests working on a mindset shift that avoids having external causes for failure, or losses, drag us down.
First steps include looking for ways to understand what’s happening and how much we can actually control. Then, by shifting our perspective, and redefining disappointments as temporary situations rather than permanent defeats, experts suggest we can start to cultivate resilience and see the way clear to move on.
Secondly, it’s wise to try and extract lessons from challenging times that can’t be realized during success. Hard to do but, when we can take the opportunity to assess our actions, decisions and strategies, we can often use innovation and creativity to refine our approach which can lead to less disappointment.
A hallmark of success has always been persistence. In the case of caregiving, this trait is what’s needed more than ever to “get the job done”. Being tenacious and persistent is a worthwhile asset—even if results aren’t always as hoped. Whether chasing down medical appointments, working hard to ensure quality care in changing and dynamic situations, or convincing parents to take action under difficult circumstances having a vision and remaining committed to your goals will help reframe setbacks.
And lastly, it’s important to work hard to stay motivated and energized by expecting the best, while thoughtfully preparing for the worst at the same time. Don’t dwell on the negatives. Look forward with increased self-awareness towards a healthier mindset—it’ll be better for the person you’re caring for and for you.